Friday, December 21, 2007

Winter Wonderland

This is what Winter is all about. Grandma brought P a sled (not sure it was meant to be in the snow, looks like an LL Bean decoration) but we put it to great use. She loves riding in it. In just a few short days we will put a new sled and tow to test......Stay tuned and until then Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

You want me to sit where?

Well, we talked about Santa so I thought it wouldn't be so bad. We watched the children go before us as P said, "Santa and Ho Ho Ho." I was still thinking, this will be breeze, especially after waiting 2.5 hrs. They called us up and as we got closer the lip quivered and... well... you can see what happened! Merry Christmas!

Coming Soon!!!!

This seems to be the new trend, blogging! Stay tuned as I figure this out.