Monday, May 19, 2008

Spring has sprung!

I guess I am a once a month blogger. I guess that's better than nothing. Like every other month it has been a crazy one. I'll start from the end of April and work up to now...

As the weather got nicer we found ourselves outside a ton. Bella (the dog) couldn't have been happier especially since we had her at the vet and we were told she had gained some "winter weight" (we did too!) Needless to say we are back on our everyday walking regiment.

Piper enjoying her slide

I also attended a hair show in April. It was average at best and all I really learned is that the inverted bob (Posh Spice) is the hot haircut. So for any of you that I haven't already given that haircut to, hurry up and come let me hack it off.

As the end of April neared I was reminded with invites for 30th birthday parties that mine was also nearing, yeah I know....30. We celebrated Jody Illies' and Kelly Kenny's so far. I might be next. I told those girls to "try" it on and let me know. We'll see. Happy Birthday ladies.

Kelly's 30th Birthday Party

Me, Kel, Trish

The next few months are crazy with birthdays so for all you May babies, Lilly, Mary, Kelly, Grandma, Auntie Kelly, Michelle, Gavin, Meghan.....Just to name a few, Happy Birthday from the Perrons.

Then it was Mother's day. I keep forgetting I am a mother. It ended up to be a beautiful day, T and P made breakfast for me and got me coffee from Caribou. They got me some great gifts, a massage, a pedicure and a great outfit. They have great taste. Piper and I went flower shopping and she picked all red geraniums so we went with it. Not my first choice but they look great!

Me and Piper on Mother's Day
Lastly to get us current we had Piper's gymnastics show last weekend. She has been taking gymnastics at Twin City Twisters for the last 4 months and we got to show off all our (my) hard work. Daddy came, Auntie Jamie and Jen came and her "girls" Megan and Michelle came. She did pretty well. As well as a 23 month old can do. Daddy was very proud of his little princess. She even got a trophy. We enjoyed it but mommy is looking forward to a break. We will see in the fall if we are ready for it again.

Piper walking the beam at her gymnastics show

Piper with her "girls"

That gets us pretty much up to date. We had a great month and are looking forward to summer and all the fun summer activities. Weekends at the lake are getting closer and closer.

Just a quick note~Congrats to JJ and Mel (our friends from Montana) on the birth of their beautiful baby girl Ella. I was lucky enough to meet her when they were home in early May. She is a beauty!!!

Hope everyone has a great rest of the month and have a Happy, safe Memorial Day!

Piper getting her 2nd Haircut

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