Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy New Year! It's been a few weeks since I posted. Life has been crazy and here we are the 18th of January. Let's see what has been happening......

Well first was Christmas. What a wonderful Holiday season the Perron family had. Busy at the Salon, no sicknesses and some good old fashion family time. We really enjoyed Christmas this year. "P" doesn't quite get it yet but she was a master at ripping gifts. Some of her favorites was the new version of the "LL Bean Decoration" sled. It's not really a decoration, this sled is the cream of the crop. (See photo of Bella pulling Piper!) She loves her new sled and with all the snow it has become a weekend staple for us. Other favorite Christmas gifts was the strollers, babies and cash register. More big, plastic toys to trip over, move, store and dust. Welcome to life with a 19 month old- Yippee!

Then New Years- Okay for those of you waiting to hear a wild story about our crazy New Years Eve.... Keep waiting....It was non eventful. We decided we would avoid all craziness this year and enjoy an evening at home with the girls. And yes- We both made it until midnight, I guess we aren't that old yet.

Now we are at the week of January 1st. It was the craziest week yet, ohh it is the first week. Back to work for a few days and then my sisters (Jamie,27) wedding on the 5th. It was a beautiful day and after 8 years together it's about time. "P" and myself were in the wedding and Trenton was our right hand man. I did all the hair the morning of the wedding so needless to say everyone looked damn good.

Jamie and Shane

We were a little nervous about "P" and her intentions about the aisle, I was expecting the worst and like always the little princess surprised us. She stole the show and was the Belle of the ball. Not really, Jamie was stunning and made a beautiful bride.

Mommy and Piper

It was a very fun evening and we wish Jamie and Shane the best!

Okay, are you still with me? Now were are almost to up to date. The crazy weekend of wedding was over back to work on Monday for three days then off to Mexico for a Redken hair show, or at least that's what were telling people. No really, I went with three girls from the salon to Ixtapa for 5 days to attend a hair show put on by Marshall Salon Services, a supply company I buy all my product from. We flew 1st class down and had a blast! The resort was all inclusive and was beautiful. We had beautiful weather everyday and we were very impressed with our ambition to attend every class. Especially after prior afternoon and evenings of all inclusive poolside libations!!!!

Here is a glimpse of paradise.....

View from our Suite at the Melia Azul Ixtapa

Vanessa, Jen, me and Meghan at Senior Frogs in Ixtapa

So, that is what our last month has been. I hope everyone had a wonderful, healthy and happy holiday season. Best wishes in the new year. I know for our family we feel so blessed and fortunate and look forward to every new day!

Until next time..... Stay warm!


Unknown said...

Thanks for updating us on the past month - looks like it has been busy but fun! Hope to see you soon!

simplicity said...

I am ENVIOUS of Mexico! UGH!

Glad you had a good time.

Bummed about ECFE still but we'll have to plan another time to get together this winter/spring.